Hatchery International

Hatchery 101: Water conservation

May 29, 2023

Water is the most important resource in a fish hatchery. Thoughtful and efficient use of this natural resource not only ensures production for many more years to come, but it safeguards the health and welfare of the fish stock. Host Ben Normand continues Hatchery International‘s four-part series on sustainability with a panel discussion on the best practices for water conservation.

If you registered for Part 1: Climate Change and Part 2: Energy efficiency, you are automatically registered for all four webinars sponsored by OxyGuard International.


Moderated by:

Ben Normand is a fish farmer, writer, college instructor, and cheerleader for aquaculture.  He has worked with a variety of fin and shellfish species in both New Zealand and Canada in production management, compliance, and communications. In his spare time, you can find him spending time with his family, sailing, biking, and tinkering in his workshop.


Mike Anderson is projects portfolio manager at Grieg Seafood BC in Campbell River, B.C. Before taking on his most recent role this year, he worked at Grieg’s Gold River Hatchery for seven years,  starting out as an assistant hatchery manager moving up to special project manager managing the development and implementation of new technology. Then helping complete the construction where he managed the design coordination and installation of technology of the new 400 metric tons recirculating aquaculture system (RAS).


Paw Petersen is the CEO of OxyGuard International AS, which is also the sponsor of the Hatchery 101 webinar series. He is an electronic engineer with a speciality within measurement and control technology. Besides being CEO, Paw is technical manager for the design, planning, manufacturing, and commissioning of a large number of OxyGuard measuring, monitoring and control systems for aquaculture installations all over the world.